
Regrets after the celebrates?

I hope this is the last time when I whine and this time I talk very seriously.
Every time my mother would cook something that is pleasing me, I intend to stay away from the stove and the smells that attract me to kitchen.I know  that I`ll resist the temptation to taste the goodies preparated.Will I drop out at dainties prepared by my mother for 1 kilogram or 2 more? Soon will come the spring and I will move a long time.But these are the consequences of  the celebrates .Ready I will  give up meat and I will eat only vegetables and I will become vegetarian.Oh,I remember that on Saturday will be my desk mate`s birthday , and I  don`t think it would be nice to refuse her when she will invite me to go out.May I refuse her? She is my best class mate. On Sunday I will go shopping and my fridge will be replete only with vegetables.Does somebody will change my plans?Occasions longer occur.

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